Out with a Bang: 6 Tips to Ending Strong in 2015

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Out with a Bang: 6 Tips to Ending Strong in 2015

The year is winding down, but as I’m sure you know, that doesn’t mean it’s time to slack off. The way you end 2015 will be a big factor in how you start 2016. Follow these tips to make sure you end this year on a high note.

Take Stock
How did 2015 go for your firm? Take some time to review the past year’s wins and losses. Did you do better than you expected? Worse? Celebrate your wins! Look for the lessons to be gleaned from this year’s performance, and make note of them. This way you will be in a better position to ensure you don’t repeat the mistakes you made this past year, as well as build on the successes you did have.

File & Fix
There’s no better way to kick off the new year than with an organized office. Go through your filing cabinets, computer folders and the office itself and clean out anything you don’t need. Put things that are out of place back where they belong. Fix or replace anything that’s broken. Get yourself ready to start with a clean slate in 2016 and focus all your attention on the business itself.

Give & Take
Make time to listen to feedback from direct reports, as well as to give them feedback yourself. Ask employees for suggestions about areas for improvement and get their input on your planning for next year. Different ideas and perspectives on how to move forward can be eye opening, and are often just the thing a firm needs to start strong in the new year.

Give Thanks
Doubtless you’ve had some people that have helped you throughout the year. Show your appreciation for them with a thoughtful thank-you. Write a sincere thank-you note; send a gift basket with some of their favorite foods; take them out to lunch; whatever gesture feels right to you, as long as it gets your appreciation across.

Connect with Clients

Managing your client relationships is very important to the success of your business. As this year winds down, take time to check in with every client and make sure they’re satisfied. See if there’s any way you could serve them more effectively in 2016, or if there are additional services they’d be interested in.

Set Goals
Starting the year with short- and long-term goals in place helps to keep your firm on track throughout the year. Think about what you would like to achieve in 2016, and then work backwards to see what you need to achieve—by mid-year, in each quarter, in the first few weeks of the year—to reach your goals. Put your goals in writing and then make sure to share them with everyone at the firm, so everyone is on the same page and working together.

No matter how your firm did this year, there’s always room for a little improvement at the end of the year. These tips don’t take much time and they’ll help ensure that your transition to 2016 is a good one—don’t miss this opportunity to end 2015 on a high note!
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